
Back into the Fray...

This entry will be a little more personal than my normal posts, but it is all relevant to my work. This week I have had heightened anxiety, last night my husband and I held hands as we went to sleep, both anxious about today, for today my husband returns to uni. I know that having a parent study is pretty common these days but that doesn't make it any less difficult. For a bit of background neither hubby or I have any formal education post high school, we have only ever worked in retail or hospitality (how we met) and that was fine for a time, but soon after our daughter was born we both realised the limits of long-term income and also both started craving a different career. Since I was still in my child-rearing years (I struggle to work or study whilst pregnant or with children under 2) hubby is the first to attend uni. Last year was his first year and was much harder than either of us expected, we did not expect the workload to be so huge and we also underestimated how difficu...

The 2018 Melbourne Midsummer Faerie Rade

My Dark Mermaid Faerie Costume Wow, where do I begin? First off happy 2018 everyone! I hope the year has been treating you well thus-far. As part of my new years resolution to get out and about and do more for myself I attended the annual Melbourne Midsummer Faerie Rade . What is the Faerie Rade you ask? It's a gathering of faerie folk in Melbourne hosted by Golden Owl Events where we dress up in our faerie gear for a stroll around Melbourne city before sitting down to a picnic in the afternoon. It was a brilliant, fun day out and best of all it was FREE! Having never been before or knowing anyone who goes, I scrolled through the Facebook events page and found a few ladies who are also going solo and we decided to meet in the city and go together. The page was very handy in giving us a timeline as well as a map. Even though the event said "kid friendly" I decided to leave my kids at home as I really wanted a day out to myself. I also read on the page that there w...

2017- My first year in Review

As the one year anniversary of this blog approaches, I feel it is only fitting to write an update. You have probably noticed that I have been writing less and less as this year has progressed. There are many reasons for this, time being a major factor and a shift in focus being another, my goals when I started this blog compared to my goals now are vastly different. You see I started this as a way to force myself into caring about my wardrobe, having something for ME to focus on in my crazy life as a wife and mother. I expected to just be writing about my clothes and where I go them, but as time has gone on I've started sewing and cosplaying more and more and very seldom buy clothes made by others. I've also majorly switched to upcycling and sustainable fashion which means that when I do purchase pre made clothes I am very picky about who I buy them from (no more cheap ebay garments) and unfortunately the designers I do trust are currently out of my price range. This year...

Princess Planning

Now that my husbands uni has come to an end, I finally have time to write the blogs that have been on my mind these past few months. The "Pixie Hollow Princess Project" is the major project I will be working on for the next few years, (you can read the first entry I wrote about it here ) since this is such a huge task, I'm breaking it down into sections to make it easier to organise. Originally I was just picking princesses based on inspiration, but now that I've started I realize that some are going to cost much more (in terms of wigs) and take more sewing skills than others. While Snow White was going to be the first, it actually ended up being Aurora as I lost the bag of Snow supplies and needed to start again. Snow is nearing completion while Aurora is complete. My 2018 list of princesses are: Aurora: completed, just waiting on being photographed Snow White: mostly complete Ariel: I haven't started the costume, but I already have the wig that I purcha...

Why I don't sell

Upcycled Autumn coat for my mum Being someone who sews garments and posts online, naturally I get asked a lot if I sell, or that I should sell. And while this may seem like a grand idea, it's actually really not the best path for me to go down right now. Here is my list of reasons why. I am also going to include some images of the garments I have made over the last few months. Upcylced winter coat I'm not very good It's hard to tell from photos (or even meeting me in person) but my garments actually aren't great quality. I have only  been doing this for a year and have a lot to practice and a lot to learn. I've never studied sewing and am still refining my techniques. Almost every garment I've made has seemed fine at the time, but after some wear and a few washes has presented some major problems (from my own experiences and friends reports) that would result in a complaint if they were a paid order. Money/Insurance Fleece skirt and felt winged ...

The Mumtum Skirt- Queen the Label

For this review, I'm going to be talking about a garment that was actually designed for mums by a mum. Designer Constance Hall is an Australian blogger mostly known for her raw, honest and sometimes controversial blog posts, but over time she has also become known for her bohemian style of clothing. Last year she posted a picture of the Mumtum prototype, which was met with enthusiasm from her follows ("Queens") and a few months ago she announced that the design was for sale in her online store under her new clothing line "Queen the Label". Now, a bohemian maxi skirt designed for mums? I knew there and then I had to buy one and review it! Being that this skirt is marketed at mums (as apposed to being a happy coincidence it works for mum life) I went into this purchase with very high expectations and the intent to be tough on it, so I decided to take it on a test drive to test any clothing items comfort: Healesville Sanctuary on a post rainy day, the result? I ho...

Revisiting an old project

A few year back, in between having my daughter and becoming pregnant with my son I had this crazy idea that I would make a project "folio style' to one day apply ti fashion school. This turned out to be a big disaster as i was biting off more than I could chew. I have since realised that I will never go to fashion school, the way they want you to work is not the way I like to work would rather be freelance and work for myself than any major label anyway.  Another hiccup (and the biggest one) was cost, I could not afford the garments I had designed. however, through the discovery of upcyling and the sheer desire of having fun driving me (rather than impressing school people) I've decided to take up the project again! My journey so far has been all about clothes that allow me to function as a mum, it's about time I let myself work on something fun with no limitations (other than my own skill limit, of course). I guess I should probably explain what the project is, I pr...