TPF Faerie Wear- Pants

My new favourite items for winter have arrived; and they are TPF Fearie Wears balloon flares and regular flares! I have been dying to order a pair since they were released , but had to wait until the weather cooled down enough (and had to agonise over the right colours, of course). But now that they are here, it’s hard to get me out of them, even for the wash. Pants, I find, are a hard one to get comfortable whilst still looking fashionable. The standard “mum pants” these days are just leggings, which I just get too cold in, jeggings are the next best thing, but the “denim look” isn’t really my thing. And jeans, well, they’re too hard to move in. Most people who are partial to the same styles as I wear harem pants, which I find very unappealing to the eye and tracksuit pants just look a bit daggy. Yes, pants are a hard one, but TPF has solved all my problems. Balloon Flares Oh boy, these are the best pants I have ever worn! Ever since my tweens I have LOVED ridiculous ...