
Showing posts from October, 2017

Why I don't sell

Upcycled Autumn coat for my mum Being someone who sews garments and posts online, naturally I get asked a lot if I sell, or that I should sell. And while this may seem like a grand idea, it's actually really not the best path for me to go down right now. Here is my list of reasons why. I am also going to include some images of the garments I have made over the last few months. Upcylced winter coat I'm not very good It's hard to tell from photos (or even meeting me in person) but my garments actually aren't great quality. I have only  been doing this for a year and have a lot to practice and a lot to learn. I've never studied sewing and am still refining my techniques. Almost every garment I've made has seemed fine at the time, but after some wear and a few washes has presented some major problems (from my own experiences and friends reports) that would result in a complaint if they were a paid order. Money/Insurance Fleece skirt and felt winged ...