
Showing posts from December, 2017

2017- My first year in Review

As the one year anniversary of this blog approaches, I feel it is only fitting to write an update. You have probably noticed that I have been writing less and less as this year has progressed. There are many reasons for this, time being a major factor and a shift in focus being another, my goals when I started this blog compared to my goals now are vastly different. You see I started this as a way to force myself into caring about my wardrobe, having something for ME to focus on in my crazy life as a wife and mother. I expected to just be writing about my clothes and where I go them, but as time has gone on I've started sewing and cosplaying more and more and very seldom buy clothes made by others. I've also majorly switched to upcycling and sustainable fashion which means that when I do purchase pre made clothes I am very picky about who I buy them from (no more cheap ebay garments) and unfortunately the designers I do trust are currently out of my price range. This year...

Princess Planning

Now that my husbands uni has come to an end, I finally have time to write the blogs that have been on my mind these past few months. The "Pixie Hollow Princess Project" is the major project I will be working on for the next few years, (you can read the first entry I wrote about it here ) since this is such a huge task, I'm breaking it down into sections to make it easier to organise. Originally I was just picking princesses based on inspiration, but now that I've started I realize that some are going to cost much more (in terms of wigs) and take more sewing skills than others. While Snow White was going to be the first, it actually ended up being Aurora as I lost the bag of Snow supplies and needed to start again. Snow is nearing completion while Aurora is complete. My 2018 list of princesses are: Aurora: completed, just waiting on being photographed Snow White: mostly complete Ariel: I haven't started the costume, but I already have the wig that I purcha...