The 2018 Melbourne Midsummer Faerie Rade

My Dark Mermaid Faerie Costume Wow, where do I begin? First off happy 2018 everyone! I hope the year has been treating you well thus-far. As part of my new years resolution to get out and about and do more for myself I attended the annual Melbourne Midsummer Faerie Rade . What is the Faerie Rade you ask? It's a gathering of faerie folk in Melbourne hosted by Golden Owl Events where we dress up in our faerie gear for a stroll around Melbourne city before sitting down to a picnic in the afternoon. It was a brilliant, fun day out and best of all it was FREE! Having never been before or knowing anyone who goes, I scrolled through the Facebook events page and found a few ladies who are also going solo and we decided to meet in the city and go together. The page was very handy in giving us a timeline as well as a map. Even though the event said "kid friendly" I decided to leave my kids at home as I really wanted a day out to myself. I also read on the page that there w...