About the blog- What is FearyChic?
Hello all and welcome to blog! You can call me Sami and I am aiming to create myself a Feary Chic Wardrobe. Your first question may be: What the heck does that even mean? Well, basically I am a lover of alternate fashion who does not want to give that up due to the restraints of motherhood, I want to dress like a fabulous fairy even when I am breastfeeding, changing pooey nappies and running around after crazy toddlers on play equipment. About a year ago, when my daughter was just over one, I did a clear out of my wardrobe as part of a house wide decluttering mission, I couldn't help but notice that all the clothes I had purchased in the last year were the ones to go, and strangely enough, they were all from Kmart. All the clothes that I had purchased either online or from random independent shops I'd come across were the ones I'd kept, and had kept for 7-10 years. I then realised that in becoming a mother, I had given up my fashion and my style. Now, some people ma...