About the blog- What is FearyChic?
Hello all and welcome to blog! You can call me Sami and I am
aiming to create myself a Feary Chic Wardrobe. Your first question may be: What
the heck does that even mean? Well, basically I am a lover of alternate fashion
who does not want to give that up due to the restraints of motherhood, I want
to dress like a fabulous fairy even when I am breastfeeding, changing pooey
nappies and running around after crazy toddlers on play equipment.
About a year ago, when my daughter was just over one, I did
a clear out of my wardrobe as part of a house wide decluttering mission, I
couldn't help but notice that all the clothes I had purchased in the last year
were the ones to go, and strangely enough, they were all from Kmart. All the
clothes that I had purchased either online or from random independent shops I'd
come across were the ones I'd kept, and had kept for 7-10 years. I then
realised that in becoming a mother, I had given up my fashion and my style.
Now, some people may argue "what's wrong with kmart clothes?" or
"why be so concerned with appearances and vanity?" well you're not
wrong, but if alternate fashion has always been a passion of yours and a
primary way of expressing yourself, it's hard to see it go.
I made the decision to revamp my wardrobe to be what I want
it to be. However, I came across a few snags, a few major snags. The first one
being that fairy clothes are EXPENSIVE and we're on one income. the reason they
are expensive is because most are handmade and not "made in china"
labor prices, so while I do own some of these items, they are few and far
between as I only get to spend money on clothes that people give me for my
birthday, and that usually covers about one garment.
The second being that most items gave me the reaction
"I can't mum in that!". seriously, there is some stuff that is just
impossible to mum in. There is a very good reason that the "mum
wardrobe" is what it is, stretch pants with just a breastfeeding t-shirt
(or just a comfy t-shirt if your child is older) because of what we do. I wake
up in the morning after broken sleep to a newborn who wants boob and a nappy
change, shortly after I am greeted by a hungry demanding toddler banging on her
door yelling "mumma!". When I go to leave the house I also have to dress
said toddler, who sometimes decides she doesn't want to be dressed and also
needs a nappy change, which she also doesn't always want, while trying to
prepare food for day, and get the baby into his capsule. I REALLY don't want to
be fiddling with lace up corseting straps and buckles with pretty lace bits
that need to sit "just right". I also can't wear halter neck items as
my back and neck will be killing me at the end of the day. You don't want to be
wishing you were wearing more comfortable clothes as you're dealing with a neck
ache, on top of stopping a toddler from running out onto the road, while you
have a baby on your boob.
The combination of these two snags has lead to me sitting on
a few $100 going through etsy thinking "do I REALLY want to spend this much
money on a garment that needs tinkering or isn't ideal for having children?
will I actually wear this? Or will I just wear it once and find it to
impractical". Now, I am pretty handy with a sewing
machine, I used to be a toy/dollmaker, but have never really had to guts to
venture into clothes before (trying to make the durable and comfortable is
scary). But I've realised that at least some stuff will have to be made by me
to make it work. Or at least altered.
So, what will this blog be about in a nut shell? Is this
just going to be another "Mummy blog?" well, sort of. Primarily this
is a fashion blog, but the fact that I'm a mum will come up quite a bit as it
governs what I can and can't wear so strictly. But it won't have any articles about
whether or not breast is best, or who's fault it is when a child falls into a
gorilla enclosure, or if baby wearing is better than a pram. It will just be
about fashion, who knows, you may not even have kids and find it useful just
for practical fairy clothes if you value comfort. This blog will cover items I
have made myself (and hopefully instructions on how I did it) but will also
review the items I have found online/in store and why I think they are awesome
for child raising.
Fair warning, this blog WILL have breastfeeding pictures in
it, as the ability to breastfeed in clothes is essential to many mums, so if
this bothers you than this blog is not for you. I will be posting some blogs
that may give you an insight into my life and glimpses of my parenting style, I
do NOT wish to be criticized on how I parent. I've stated that this is not a
"political parenting blog" so I'd rather that sort of stuff just be
left out.
For now I won't be selling or planning on selling anything
that is made/designed by me. Mainly due to time restraints really, the last
time I tried to run a sewing business orders went way over as I couldn't keep
up with deadlines due to the children. Also I haven't had enough practice making
clothes to promise that they won't fall apart after a few wears (that would be
In conclusion, if you love alternate fashion but also need
clothes that are comfortable and easy to wear, you'll like seeing what I unearth
as I spend many late nights feeding and looking at clothes on the internet. If
you think that you're clothes fit the descriptions of what I'm after, send me a
link and I'll happily take a look and purchase if I like what I see! I hope to
see you all very soon!
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